Wesley College


Wesley College, the first United Methodist college in Tanzania, prepares students to be servant leaders in their churches and communities. Well-educated leaders, ready to engage the reality of the changing Tanzanian context, are important for the long term growth of the church and God’s kingdom in Tanzania. In this way the church is producing its own leaders who are prepared for the future of the mission and ministry in Tanzania.

Students can study theology, business, community development, and Information Technology as well as getting their high school diploma.


Opportunities in partnering with Wesley College


Sponsor a student at Wesley College.

  • A full scholarship for a year is only $2,000 (includes tuition, room, and board) or $500 a year for tuition only. This helps first-generation college students coming from impoverished backgrounds to be able to access education.

Support Wesley College in its response to COVID-19.

  • Wesley College had to shut down for over two months and is still challenged by the necessary changes to the college that has been caused by COVID-19 in Tanzania.

Support classroom supplies and technology needed for education.

  • You can outfit an entire classroom at Wesley College for $2,151
  • You can provide a computer for Wesley College for only $300; computers are important as the staff figure out how to do more remote work during this time.

Connect with an advisory group which works to provide expert advice to the college in various areas.


For more information, visit www.wesleycollegetzfoundation.com or contact your area champion.