
The Mission of the United Methodist Church and the Alabama-West Florida Conference is to make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. There are multiple ways we are working to achieve this goal. You and your church have the opportunity to be part of this Mission, too! Click on any of the links below to learn more.


Conference Advance Specials

Donate money or give your time to fantastic ministries within the annual conference that have gone through an application process and are approved through the Conference Board of Global Ministries.


Conference Mission Agencies

Learn more about the  agencies our conference endorses.

Disaster Response

Become prepared for the next disaster as well as learn how you can participate in current disaster recovery efforts.


Teaming With Tanzania

Be part of this exciting new partnership between the Alabama-West Florida Conference and the United Methodist Church of Tanzania, Mwanza District.


Volunteers In Mission

Be an effective mission team leader, learn of great mission team opportunities, and get insurance for your teams as they travel.