Church Growth and Development


Local churches are faith communities that have committed to living in the middle of neighborhoods, villages, towns, and cities in order to provide a faithful witness to God’s ever present grace and desire for reconciliation.


Local churches in Tanzania provide a family through the Body of Christ, a family that is often counter-cultural in a country where the majority of people are not Christian. Given that the United Methodist Church in Tanzania is so new there is still a need to support these new churches in being able to effectively reach their communities. 


Partnering with churches in Tanzania means…

  1. Listening to them and their unique context. Partnership starts with asking questions.
  2. Building relationships through regular communication, prayer, and virtually shared worship.
  3. Offering support to establish and congregations in Tanzania and to build their leadership capacity. This can mean contributing to the purchase of land for a new church, construction of a church ($15,000 - $30,000) or building a parsonage ($10,000).


If you are interested in a church to church partnership or a district to church partnership contact your area champion who can provide more information.