The Academy For Spiritual Formation

The Academy fulfills a unique place in the lives of Christians reaching for deeper spiritual growth, whether clergy or lay, whether leader or participant. I have never known a spiritual frontier which combines such a wide spectrum of Christian experience: the academic teaching, the spiritual guidance, the liturgical experience, the small group depth encounter and sharing, and silent reflection -- not only balanced, but interwoven through the days. Yes -- it changes lives, including mine.

Flora Wuellner, author and Academy faculty member

The Academy for Spiritual Formation is an experience of disciplined Christian community emphasizing holistic spirituality -- nurturing body, mind, and spirit. The program is meant for all those who hunger for deep spiritual experiences, both lay and clergy persons. Each Academy fosters new spiritual rhythms -- of study and prayer, rest and exercise, solitude and relationship. 

Academy participants rediscover Christianity's rich spiritual heritage through worship, learning, and fellowship. At a personal level, participants find a time and space to discern direction, make covenants, and practice commitments.

  • The Two-Year Academy meets for 5 days in residence (once every three months) eight times over the course of two years. For those seeking a short-term experience of spiritual formation, the Five Day Academy is also available.
  • The Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation™ is like the two-year Academy, but it consists of a single five-day session. The leadership team of Five Day Academies are chosen from alumni/ae of the two-year Academies. The faculty of the Five Day Academies are chosen from among the many outstanding spiritual leaders in seminaries, churches, and denominations in the United States.

A Five Day Academy typically begins on Monday and ends on Saturday. On the evening of the first day, there is a group dinner, a welcome and orientation, Covenant Group sessions, and a Eucharist celebration. Each day following includes curriculum sessions, times for silent reflection, discussions with faculty, and Covenant Group meetings. There is also a nightly Eucharist Service, Morning Prayer, and Night Prayer.

Five Day Academies are offered each year in locations around the world. The cost varies according to the location.

For more information: 
Email Pat Luna
Email Kathy Norberg