Covenant Agreement


We, the Tanzanian Annual Conference and the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference, do agree to work together for the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the progression of the mission of the United Methodist Church in both of our respective conferences.

Specifically, the partnership will support the growth and development of a sustainable, locally led Tanzania Annual Conference in order to move forward in continuing to grow the United Methodist Church in Tanzania in a fruitful, healthy, and God-honoring way.

The partnership will focus in the following areas:

  1. Support of the planting and growing of vital church congregations  in Tanzania, specifically through support of church and parsonage construction.
  2. Support of capacity building among pastor’s and dedicated lay leaders in order to increase the strategic growth and leadership of the church.
  3. Support Wesley College, the first United Methodist college in Tanzania, in its mission to educate people for faithful service to the church and community.

All partners will abide by the following guide lines:

  1. We will develop a collaborative partnership that allows us to work towards the creation of disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world starting in our local, respective communities and moving into the world.
  2. We will strive to have an open and honest interaction with each other, listening carefully as brothers and sisters in Christ equally participating in joint ministry together. We pledge to be patient, open, and move at God’s speed in developing the relationship, understanding each other’s cultures, and offering grace in building a mutual relationship.
  3. We pledge to work toward an equal partnership, to participate in mission practices that “do no harm”, to equally contribute to the work of God’s kingdom, and to build together strong foundations for ministry.
  4. We pledge to support each conference’s vision for ministry together honoring the God-given gifts and insight, as well as the tangible and intangible contributions that each conference makes to the partnership.


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