
Please use the links to the right for resources related to this age-level ministry. 

"I'd just like to say that I am really happy that I've had the privilege of being a part of this family of youth pastors. It truly has been a blessing and has helped me grow as a youth pastor. Tonight marked the first time since I began volunteering where we had a night dedicated specifically to fielding questions about sex and relationships that were all submitted by the students. I'll tell you right now. Two years ago I would have been a deer in the headlights facing a task like this... but tonight could not have gone better. We talked... I mean really talked about stuff that I would have ducked in the past and I can very easily pinpoint the time and place where talking about these issues seemed less and less daunting. So, thanks guys, for being my awesome brothers and sisters in Christ. Can't wait until we meet again."
-Mike Milani, Youth Pastor, Crestview FUMC