Jane Walker Scholarship

The Jane Walker Scholarship is awarded each year by the Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) of the Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. Each scholarship recipient is awarded $1,000. The recipient is announced at a COSROW breakfast held annually at Annual Conference and will be recognized during the COSROW report at the Annual Conference session.


Eligibility for Scholarship

  • Applicant should be a woman who affirms, represents, and advocates for women’s leadership in the church.
  • Applicant must be accepted or enrolled in a United Methodist seminary approved by the University Senate or be pursuing an undergraduate degree in Christian Education at a University Senate approved United Methodist institution.
  • Completed application (including essay) and two letters of recommendation from a pastor and a professor must be received by a certain date in order to be eligible for consideration.
  • Applicant should be an outstanding candidate for ministry or seeking a United Methodist church-related career.
  • Applicant must be a resident of the Alabama-West Florida Conference and plan at the time of application to serve within the bounds of the conference.

The deadline for the award is May 10 of each year. 

Jane Walker Scholarship Application (PDF to print and complete by hand.)

Jane Walker Scholarship Application (Fillable PDF. Download, then complete online, then print.)

For more information about the scholarship, please contact Rev. Lynn Smilie Nesbitt lssnesbitt@yahoo.com

Click HERE for a list of past recipients.