
Questions about Evangelism in your local church? Contact Rev. Ashley Davis, Director of Connectional Ministries.

Evangelism: no ministry of the church is more vital. A common truism notes that the church is always one generation away from extinction. As a leader responsible for the ministry of evangelism, you have both an inward and outward task. Your inward task is leading your congregation into a clear understanding of our biblical call to reach others for Jesus Christ. That understanding must, however, quickly turn into action.

Evangelism involves several key actions: telling the Good News, announcing the kingdom (reign) of God, and bearing witness. Your outward task is to turn the attention of your congregation toward the people outside the four walls of your church building. Evangelism happens through relationships. Extend to pre-Christians the love of Jesus Christ. Offer them the ministry of reconciliation. Enter into relationships with people in the community, just as they are, and show by example the difference it makes to be a disciple of the living Christ we proclaim as Savior and Lord.

General Board of Discipleship - Evangelism