Magnolia UMC - A New Church for Orange Beach and Gulf Shores

March 05, 2024

(New Ministry Strategies) - When it became clear that the United Methodist Churches in Orange Beach and Gulf Shores, AL, would disaffiliate, Rev. Dr. Debora Bishop formed a group that would ensure a United Methodist presence remained in the area. On January 29th, 2023, Magnolia United Methodist Church had their first worship service at the Bear Point Civic Association Building. Rev. Dr. Bishop preached and announced that she would be the pastor of the church. Todd Dowdy, who was the minister of music from Orange Beach, and his wife, Marcia, arranged music for the service. Magnolia’s lay leader, Esther Jackson, had a craft for the children to do, and Katie Aiken did the children’s sermon. “It was absolutely beautiful, and you could feel the Holy Spirit in that place,” Jackson said.

After that first service, they had to find another place to have their worship services, and they hoped to find a place where they could regularly meet. They were grateful to find Magnolia Hall in Orange Beach. The first week there, they formed their leadership team. They met there until June when the Orange Beach Community Center became available for rent. Magnolia UMC was able to rent it for all day on Sundays, so it gave them more time and more space to have meetings, lunches, and the Sunday School class they were able to start there.

Magnolia UMC continued to grow. In August, Gulf Shores First Presbyterian Church asked if Magnolia United Methodist Church would like to share space. Magnolia UMC signed a lease and began meeting there in September. Now they are able to use the sanctuary every Sunday and reserve any other rooms needed during the week. Magnolia’s service is at 9:30 AM which is followed by Gulf Shores First Presbyterian’s service. They share paraments, choir robes and music. The United Methodist hymnals are in the pews alongside the Presbyterian hymnals. They had a joint Ash Wednesday service; they sang from both hymnals and shared pastors. Both churches also come together for fellowship at the weekly Wednesday night dinners, and beginning in February, Magnolia hosted the dinner once a month.

They are just past the one-year mark of being a church. As part of their anniversary celebration, they planted a magnolia tree on the church campus. Magnolia UMC had their first baptism not long after that, and they have recently begun confirmation class for their youth. On top of that, they have two adult Sunday School classes and monthly luncheons for their women’s group.

Magnolia UMC gives and serves various causes. They have donated to UMCOR, Blue Lake Camp and the Christian Service Center, which provides food to those in need. They help with Family Promise, as well. Their children and youth also help serve, Jackson explains, “People bring food every week so we can fill blessing boxes in our communities. This is actually something our kids have done. They will have a fun activity, followed by or preceded by filling the boxes. During the summer they had what they called a 'swim and serve.' One time they cleaned the state park near Lake Shelby.”

Rev. Dr. Bishop has been the pastor of Magnolia UMC since its beginning, but she has also been the District Superintendent for the Southwest District while serving at Magnolia. She is retiring on June 30, 2024, so Rev. Dowdy, who became a licensed local pastor in June, will become their full-time pastor starting on April 1st. Esther is grateful for the church’s leadership and realizes how blessed Magnolia UMC has been, saying, “Sometimes it has felt like God is just literally handing us things. And I hope we never take it for granted.”