Labor Day to Advent: A Season For 90 Days of Prayer

September 04, 2012

(Dr. Philip McVay) - Do we remember what was happening ninety days ago? Ninety days ago would have been Memorial Day Weekend and Annual Conference was just around the corner. In the twinkling of an eye the summer of 2012 has now vanished as a shooting star and left Labor Day in the wake. What will happen significant the next ninety days? The weather will cool down, school will be in full session, football season, church opportunities, a national election, and 2013 will be here in a flash! Before the next ninety days vanish like summer how can we make the most of them? Is there a way to ad­­­d meaning and slow down our lives and move into 2013 with readiness? Prayer is a great starting place.

I would like to invite you and your church to make the next ninety days a season of prayer. There are approximately ninety days from Labor Day to the beginning of Advent, December 2. This season offers a great opportunity to become more intentional in our personal prayer life. The setting aside of time everyday for prayer can change the whole day, week, and season.

What have we to lose by setting aside some time each day in prayer? Is there not everything to gain? After all, what is life without prayer? Dwight Moody would answer..."too much business on too little capital." John Wesley would say...."God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it." E.M. Bounds would add..."The praying ones want all that God has in store for them. They are not satisfied with anything like a low religious life, superficial, vague and indefinite." All of the spiritual giants hold in common the supreme difference prayer does make in a life.

In regard to making the next ninety days matter most for our church, I would like to invite pastors and laity to take the initiative to form a team and pray. This new team of three to seven people is invited to pray specifically how the church can..."make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." One option is for the new team to begin by praying through these disciple making questions each time they meet.
-Does our congregation understand what it means to make disciples of Jesus Christ? Can we pray for God to guide us to the honest answer? Can we be open to learn and do what it takes to make disciples?
-Are we open to pray along with the other churches of our district and annual conference about making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world for ninety days? And trust God will lead us to a fruitful place?
-What specifically do we need to pray about in seeking God's leading in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world? Are there obstacles to remove? Doors to open? Do we need courage?
-Is God calling us to begin something new to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world? How is the Spirit directing?

As the ninety days progresses, there are resources available to provide more information about "making disciples" and launching something new in 2013. You can find this information on the website, on a facebook page entitled AWF prayer initiative, and on our website. After ninety days of praying churches are asked to assess are they ready to STEP UP (sharpen the focus of disciple making with existing ministries), STEP OUT (launch something new like a mission team, worship service, or even a new church), or GO FORWARD with whatever you discern God is calling you to do.

May the next ninety days be some of our best because we took the time to pray! If you have not prayed today, there is no time like the present to begin and to invite a team to pray with you soon about making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
