Know Your DS: Rev. Sara Shaver

July 24, 2014

Many of you will remember the spotlight on our eight district superintendents. The next six editions of the NewsCONNECTION will feature a district superintendent that has not yet been featured before. This edition's spotlight is on Rev. Sara Shaver, Dothan District Superintendent. 

What Brought You to the Ministry?
I began my journey to the ordained ministry by working at Dalraida UMC as the Director of Christian Education. During that time is when God called me to move toward ordination.

The Best Book I’ve Read About Methodism Is:
I’m assuming you mean other than the church cookbooks. Maddox’s book Responsible Grace is probably the one that I would recommend.

Favorite Vacation Destination:
I must confess I am not a big Disney World fan. Living away from family most vacations are spent visiting them but I do like time on the beach.

Instead of being a minister, I almost was...
A Special Education teacher

One of the goals for my district is to:
Find my way around and eat at every restaurant in Dothan. Living in Monroeville for four years I have been restaurant challenged. Seriously, I hope and pray that as I get to know the clergy and laity we will find ways to worship and study together as well as provide a support network for the clergy.

What is one challenge you see for your district:
Besides dealing with me? Seriously, I haven’t been here long enough to answer this but so far I have been delighted at the joy and genuine warmth I have experienced.

What do you like best about serving the AWF Conference?
While I still sing Rocky Top in the fall, AWF has become home for me. I like serving with my family.

What do you do in your free time.........the little there is?
I do a little quilting

Most people don’t know that I can:
I wish I had a hidden talent.

The most important thing I’ve learned since my first appointment is:
The old saying “you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time” is very, very true.