January Cabinet Synopsis

February 04, 2016
(Dr. Jeremy Pridgeon) - Thanks be to God! This expression of praise is certainly warranted when we consider the many good things happening in the Alabama-West Florida Conference as we begin 2016. We have reached our goal in the Imagine No Malaria campaign to save 100,000 lives as an annual conference, joining with our sisters and brothers throughout the denomination in an effort to continue to reduce deaths from malaria. Thank you, the people of Alabama-West Florida, for your support of this initiative. It is yet another example of how we are all better together.

There is a sense of energy in our conference in these early days of the new year. We are grateful for the eighteen congregations engaged in the Antioch Project, led by Reverend Dan Pezet. These churches are engaged in deep conversations and developing strategies for community engagement to aid in helping them fulfill the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We encourage all of our churches to seek ways to be invitational and missional throughout south Alabama and northwest Florida.

The connection we share with one another is of great value. Our new prayer concerns format is ensuring that we have a way to show our love and care to those in need and to remember to intercede for those who work and serve alongside us in the conference. Thanks to all who have worked to make this such a great addition to our life together.

We celebrate the wonderful support of our connectional ministry in the conference. We had the best year we have had in fifteen years, even as we continue to reduce the overall ministry budget for the conference. This is an affirmation of our shared ministries and is very encouraging as we begin 2016.

The appointive cabinet continues in its work of consultation with the SPRCs and the clergy of the conference. Please pray for Bishop Leeland and the district superintendents in the upcoming days and weeks as they give consideration to the leadership needs of our churches for the upcoming year.  

These are exciting times to be part of the Alabama-West Florida Conference and The United Methodist Church! General Conference, Jurisdictional Conference, Annual Conference, the setting of appointments, the assignment of episcopal leaders, the election of new episcopal leaders all take place in the months ahead. Even so, the local church is still the greatest expression of where the mission is fulfilled and so let us continue to faithfully lead and serve in our communities and, in doing so, our connection will be strengthened in the coming year to the glory of God! Thank you for all that you do!