Frisco City Suffers Fire Damage

February 25, 2013

Frisco City United Methodist Church suffered damage due to a fire Sunday morning, February 24. It is believed that an upstairs heating unit could possibly be the cause of the fire. No injuries were reported. The damage was primarily in the sanctuary area and second floor offices, and included smoke damage and water damage from extinguishing the flames. The fellowship hall and other areas of the church property were structurally evaluated and have been cleared for use. Services in the coming weeks for Frisco City United Methodist Church will be held in the fellowship hall at their regular times. 

The United Methodist Men (UMM) of the church were preparing breakfast and meeting that morning but all safely evacuated. Rev. Elaine Hagenbuch, pastor at Frisco City UMC, explained that the UMM heard fire alarms sounding but could not find the fire. Thanks to a couple passing by in their vehicle who saw smoke rising from the roof, the men escaped unharmed. Five fire units were called to the scene to extinguish the fire. Insurance adjustors will be visiting in the coming days to assess the damage.

{Frisco City UMC sanctuary after the fire}

Despite the sorrow the congregation is feeling, Rev. Hagenbuch repeatedly commented that, "we were blessed." Blessed that the entire wing was not damaged, including the Sunday School classes. Blessed that they have electricity and that the remainder of the church is on a separate electrical unit. Blessed that it was not any more severe than it was. Blessed to still hold their 11:00am worship service on the front lawn just hours after the fire. Blessed to be part of a wonderful connectional system. She continued to look ahead by explaining that the church will celebrate its 100th anniversary on October 20, 2013. Their plan is to have everything back in order by that special date.

{Members of Frisco City UMC held morning worship on the front lawn, just hours after the fire occurred.} 

Other United Methodist churches in the district and conference have expressed a desire to help Frisco City UMC in any way possible. Should there be any needs requested from the church, the conference and district offices will communicate those in the coming days and weeks. Please keep Frisco City UMC in your prayers as they recover from this loss.