AWF Conference Secretary Named

July 09, 2012

Mrs. Betty West has been named as Conference Secretary for our Alabama-West Florida Conference effective December 1, 2012. Mrs. West is currently the Executive Assistant to the Director of Ministerial Services and will remain in that position while adding this responsibility to her duties.

Mrs. West and Dr. Shirley Woodie are currently in conversation regarding the transfer of responsibility beginning in December.

Betty has been an executive assistant for over 35 years. She has worked with top executives in the real estate, insurance, and accounting fields. She has experience in all aspects of supporting her executive in normal daily activities in addition to keeping their calendars, making travel arrangements; organizing large award dinners; organizing family outings for the firms, and handling all aspects of the office when her executive is out of the office on business.

To Betty, her position has always been a “career” rather than a “job.” She has taken whatever steps necessary to stay on top of the latest trends in office support. She has been a member of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) and has served three terms as president of her local IAAP chapter. She has served as the treasurer for the Alabama Division of IAAP and was elected Secretary of the Year in 2002-2003.

Betty and her husband, Robert, live in Prattville. When in town they attend Prattville First United Methodist Church, but most of their weekends are spent in Birmingham helping Betty’s 95-year-old father. They attend church there with her father at Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church, where she was an active member while growing up.

In The United Methodist Church, Betty has been a Sunday School teacher for children and adults, co-taught an adult class with her husband, was Sunday School Superintendent, served on the PPR Committee, was an active member of The United Methodist Women, Secretary of the Official Board at Pleasant Grove UMC while attending college, and has been asked to speak on how prayer has impacted her life. In the youth group as a teenager she was very active in her MYF and Sub-District while holding many leadership roles in addition to representing Pleasant Grove UMC at Camp Sumatanga on several occasions.

Please join me in welcoming Mrs. West to our Annual Conference leadership!

With Gratitude,
Bishop Paul L. Leeland