3.0 Missional Summer Internship Availability

February 20, 2012

The 3.0 Missional Summer Internship (a partner of Forge America) offers young people an amazing opportunity to serve the underprivileged in Mobile, Alabama. We need your help in spreading the word! Selected interns will be challenged to grow spiritually, develop leadership skills, receive mentoring, and live in Christian-community. We will recruit up to 28 interns for the summer of 2012. An online application, reference forms, testimonies of past interns, and much more can be found at www.3mlt.com. A brochure is here for you to print and share with prospective applicants. The deadline is March 18 but applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. 

The name “3.0” (three-point-O) references the history and present situation of both the Church and Methodism. Started as transformational movements (version 1.0), they have largely degenerated into declining institutions (version 2.0), and must now regain the Missional ethos necessary to reach a post-Christendom world for Christ (version 3.0). The “Quad W Foundation” (www.quadw.org) was established in memory of Willie Tichenor who died of osteosarcoma at age 19. Their purpose is to honor Willie’s desire to make positive changes in the world around him. Please visit their website to learn more about this amazing young man and the Foundation’s amazing work!

About The Internship:

• to provide a deeply significant, potentially life-changing mission experience for college students.
• to holistically meet the needs of the poor.
• to partner with churches in troubled communities, helping them re-connect with the people of their area in the love of Jesus Christ and for the glory of his name.

Mission Site
The heart of the internship is extensive daily hands-on ministry. Interns are placed in a challenging urban ministry environment where they engage in relational community ministry focusing on both physical and spiritual needs. This aspect is a cooperative effort of area United Methodist pastors, churches, and United Methodist agencies.

Reflection time with experienced Missional leaders to process field experiences on a deeper personal level.

Equipping Sessions
These weekly sessions help interns re-evaluate what it really means to follow Jesus, move beyond a consumer spirituality, focus on the needs of the world, and prepare to launch future initiatives that contribute to the transformation of communities. Specifically this involves assigned reading and training in the areas of “Missional church,” race relations, and poverty. Equipping also takes place through weekly field trips to visit with leaders of local ministries that are dramatically impacting their communities.

Small group gatherings and activities to share stories, questions and ideas with the goal of relationships building and greater effectiveness.

Next Step Planning
Developing concrete strategies and plans for the future so that what is learned through the internships is applied in the communities to which the interns will return.

Spiritual Disciplines
Weekly worship together and at host churches, and weekly Life Transformation Groups (groups of two or threes of the same genders who meet for the purpose of accountability, Scripture reflection, and prayer).

Additional information is posted at www.3mlt.com. If you have any questions, please contact Don Woolley at 251.689.4333 or donwoolley09@gmail.com, or Jean Tippit at jtippit@gmail.com.