Virtual Vacation Bible School

May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

The Alabama-West Florida Conference would like to connect churches around the topic of 2020 Vacation Bible School (VBS).

As many of you know, it has been recommended by Bishop David Graves that there be no in-person worship through June 1, 2020. Many churches have cancelled on-site VBS for the coming summer and are looking for ways to continue to engage children in local churches. 

There are several ways you can help.

  1. If you are an AWF church who already has arranged to have virtual VBS, please complete the brief form below.
  2. If you are an AWF church who does not yet have a virtual option arranged, please complete the form below.

We are seeking to connect churches during this pandemic. For those churches who need assistance with virtual VBS, the conference will provide a list of churches in your district who do have existing plans who are willing to partner with other churches. 

In addition to this data collection, we would like to launch a children’s ministry cohort to connect children’s directors and volunteers throughout our conference. Celeste Eubanks, AWF director of leadership strategies, has cohort development experience and will organize this new offering. You may also indicate your desire to participate on the form below.

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ so that children around our conference and communities may hear the good news and experience the love of God.

Click here to complete form