Conference Leadership Releases Restart Guidelines for In-person Worship

May 12, 2020

Under the leadership of Bishop David Graves, the COVID-19 task force has released updated guidelines for restarting in-person worship. Click here for guidelines.
The bishop, cabinet and conference leadership continue to affirm the previous announcement recommending no in-person worship through June 1, 2020. An updated announcement will be released on May 21, 2020.
“With a multitude of opinions on the topic of restarting in-person worship, we wanted to provide an updated document that each church needs to consider before opening their doors,” stated Bishop Graves. “We will continue to make recommendations based on local and state health guidelines and case statistics but ultimately, the decision must be made by the pastor in conjunction with their leadership task force.”
The guidelines offer clear steps and minimum standards to follow when considering the most appropriate time for AWF churches to welcome people onto their campus as well as recommendations on essential persons to contact.
“I am so humbled by the creative ways our clergy and lay leadership have brought worship to the United Methodist connection during this pandemic,” Graves continued. “I urge all churches to use extreme caution as they make these decisions that will impact many and hope they will continue to offer remote worship options for those who feel it is best to stay home at this time.”
Updated information as it relates to COVID-19 in the Alabama-West Florida Conference may be found at