Potential Palm Sunday Severe Weather

April 12, 2019

For most of our conference, there is potential for severe weather on Palm Sunday. It is impossible to know the exact timing or areas of concern, but please be aware of this possibility. 

As a clergy person or a leader in your church, your priority for your congregation's safety should outweigh the desire to insist a worship service must happen. Please stay tuned to your local news on Saturday evening and early Sunday morning. Do not depend on weather sirens. Make sure your church has a NOAA weather radio with proper battery backup and the ability to frequently monitor conditions. 

Now is an appropriate time to review your church emergency plan. There are several resources on our conference Website that could be helpful to you

We hope the threat for severe weather will diminish and ask that each church in the Alabama-West Florida Conference take a few minutes to devise a plan for Palm Sunday. We are grateful for your ministry.