Hooked on Helping
Saturday, April 28, 2012

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Daphne UMC
2401 Main Street
Daphne, AL 36526

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Ann Fuller

Daphne United Methodist Church, A Stephen Ministry Congregation, is sponsoring a seminar on Saturday, April 28 entitled "Hooked on Helping".  CEU's are awarded and lunch is provided.  Gary Browning is a dynamic speaker who through God has touched thousands of lives.

Hooked on Helping is an event that allows you to help people without becoming dysfunctional yourself.  The principles and tools offered here were hammered out during 1500 Discovery Groups over
the past 20 years. We have ministered to literally thousands who live from one crisis to another.  Hooked on Helping gently guides family members and caregivers through identification and prevention of what many call ENABLING AND CODEPENDENCY.

During the Seminar you will Discover:
• The Biblical Case for Caring - Establishes a foundation for “legitimate” serving and helping others as seen throughout Scriptures.
• The NON-Codependent Jesus - The “direct” Jesus rarely emphasized in modern teaching and preaching
• When Helping Becomes Hurtful - A startling exposé of the subtle point at which helping the “chronically needy” reflects deficiencies of confidence and lack of identity within the helper. Both groups can find deliverance and experience healing!
• The Pitfall of False Guilt - How some tragedy, past loss or trauma creates a pool of pity that perpetuates the condition, makes helpers feel obligated and militates against personal, healthy choices
• Equilibrium after Chaos by the Will of God - In this segment, the helper returns to life centered in the Will of God rather than human sympathy.
• Healthy Interdependence - The counter point to codependency, when those helping and those helped become mutually invested and co-laborers in the process.
• Turning Takers into Givers - The crowning achievement for those needing help and those helping.
• Compassion to Care, Courage to Confront, Going Forward - A balanced lifestyle of healthy inter-personal relationships based on truth and love while serving God’s purpose.

Call Gary today at (251) 621-6633 to schedule the Hooked on Helping Seminar for your church or community.  Visit our website www.discoveryfamilymisnistries.com or Email us at rgbdcc@msn.com


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