Stressless preaching: it is possible (test article)
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 to Thursday, October 23, 2014

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Stressless Preaching:  Is it possible?  This event will be held October 21 - 23, 2014 at Lake Junaluska.  
For the pastor who is new to the pulpit, preaching can be an intimidating and sometimes overwhelming experience. For the seasoned pastor, preaching can become unimaginative and routine. Some preachers write great sermons but have a delivery that is dry as unbuttered toast. Other preachers are engaging and eloquent, but offer little substance in the sermon. For every pastor, finding ways to preach the word in fresh, authentic ways is a challenge.
Powerful preaching facilitates an encounter with Christ, and is one of the primary ways that our congregations connect with God. Powerful preaching answers the “So What?” of the scripture for the congregation. And powerful preaching is a mark of a healthy congregation, and a healthy preacher. Through coaching, every preacher can become one who speaks with power, with authority, with compassion, and with love.
Click HERE for more information or to register.  Below is a downloadable brochure.