April 27 Storms

Bishop Paul L. Leeland


 While we share the great sadness and disappointment of the most recent tornados that destroyed our state, we would like to ask the churches to take a special offering on Sunday, May 8, to help with the response to the communities that need our help. Parts of our own conference, and much of the North Alabama Conference, received significant damage.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Amelia Fletcher, our conference disaster response coordinator, for organizing work teams and working with UMCOR in receiving support from the general church. Their help was immediately forthcoming and we are grateful for their connectional support.

If there are congregations that can form work teams, please contact your respective district coordinator, or Amelia Fletcher at amelia@gulfshoresumc.org.

Please pray for all of our churches and communities that have been affected by this disaster. A complete update from our conference will be sent this afternoon. 
Bishop Paul L. Leeland
Resident Bishop
Alabama-West Florida Conference