Glory Sightings: FUSED event showcases connection to youth

Guest Contributor


On November 7, 2010, United Methodist youth groups from across the Pensacola District got together for a one day worship event. We met at the same time that our adults were meeting for District Conference. The purpose of FUSED was to show our young people that each of the local youth groups are a part of bigger and broader church movement. We are all connected and united under one mission: to make disciples for the transformation of the world. 

We will also had Methodist colleges and Wesley foundations represented at the event. We wanted the youth to know that their faith can continue to grow stronger during their college years. God is working and active in numerous ways, and we have the privilege of joining in on his redemptive plans!
We had around 450-500 youth show up. Jeremy Steele from Christ UMC (Mobile, Ala.)  was our speaker and the Trey Hill Band from Dauphin Way UMC (Mobile, Ala.)  led our worship. We met at Gulf Breeze UMC (Gulf Breeze, Fla.) at the Soundside Campus. Youth pastors from within the district organized the event.

Rev. Brandon Dasinger
Associate/Youth Pastor
First UMC Crestview